Parental Responsibility & Legal Contact
Under the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) that came into effect from September 2008, We are legally required to establish who has Parental Responsibility and Legal Contact for each child in our care.
Who has Parental Responsibility?
A married couple that have children together both automatically have parental responsibility
Parental responsibility continues after divorce
Mothers automatically have parental responsibility
Where the parents are not married the father has parental responsibility if:
His name is registered on the birth certificate (after 1 December 2003)
He later marries the mother
Both parents have signed an authorised Parental Responsibility Agreement
He obtains a Parental Responsibility Order from the court
He obtains a Residence Order from the court
He becomes the child’s guardian
For further information visit
Legal contact is anyone who has applied to a court for access to the child and been given legal contact rights.
Please indicate below who has Parental Responsibility and Legal Contact (If there are any subsequent changes to these details, please let us know immediately)
Name of Child ………………………………………………… Date of Birth ……………………..
Name of person/s with Parental Responsibility:
Please name anyone who has been granted legal Contact with this child:
Form completed by: (please print name) ……………………………………………..………
Signed: ……………………………………………………….. Dated: ……………………….